About Us

Rutgers students experience a variety of learning environments—New Jersey's coastal ecosystems; theaters in New York; the neighborhoods of New Brunswick; and many more around the globe. Wherever students roam, though, they also spend a lot of time in a classroom, study space, or lab on campus. Our office seeks to enhance the student experience by promoting learning and development through interaction with inspiring ideas and places. By working diligently with faculty and staff, we strive to remove the hurdles to teaching.

Academic Scheduling

Our job is to ensure these classrooms meet the needs of the modern university, from upgraded technology to alternative room designs that support innovation in teaching and learning. We also are responsible for class scheduling, which we do in partnership with more than 100 academic departments and programs. Our overarching goals are to get students in the best possible learning environments, to ensure they get the courses they want and need to take, and to reduce the amount of travel needed to do all that. We also schedule student group and other events into our classrooms.

Our Colleagues

We work with an array of other units in fulfilling our mission. We collaborate with Digital Classroom Services on classroom technology design, the Office of Disability Services on making classroom and campus accessibility even better than required by law, and the Rutgers Learning Centers on providing resources for courses and studying, so that what happens during class time and outside of it form a more seamless experience. Other key partners include Public Safety, Enrollment Management, and Planning, Development and Design.