Remote Exam Considerations
- If you will be offering a time-limited exam, make sure you are familiar with how to extend the time for students with disabilities who are approved for extended time. Resources on how to extend time within the various Learning Management Systems can be found on the Rutgers Access and Disability Resources page.
- Faculty are encouraged to consider assessment methods that do not require online proctoring. The use of online proctoring methods raises privacy as well as equity concerns. Many students do not have reliable access to the technology or the private space required to employ these methods. Students with disabilities face particular challenges as online proctoring solutions can serve to exacerbate their conditions or highlight their disabilities. Online proctoring also increases the stress involved in test-taking and may negatively impact student performance. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides suggestions for alternative assessment strategies.
- For courses for which the subject matter or accreditation requirements necessitate administering proctored exams, OIT provides online proctoring solutions. Faculty should use only proctoring software supported by OIT and follow best practices as developed by the Working Group on Academic Integrity Resources for Faculty.