While You Were Away...

Over the summer, Digital Classroom Services installed new technology in 38 learning spaces. Among these upgrades were brand-new learning spaces in the Chemistry & Chemical Biology Building and Richard Weeks Hall on Busch, including four active learning spaces. Twelve small classrooms were equipped with Digital Classroom Lecterns, our newest Rutgers system that was designed with small class meetings in mind. Other spaces, from auditoriums to seminar rooms, received various versions of the Digital Classroom System. As a result, 280 of our 289 classrooms are in-line with our standard technology. A full list of this summer's upgrades and installations follows.
- Art History Hall: 100
- Bartlett Hall: 123
- Blake Hall: 101
- Campbell: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5
- Chemistry & Chemical Biology: 1203, 1209, 1303
- Cook Douglass Lecture Hall: 102, 103, 109, 110
- Davidson Hall: 122
- Foran Hall: 138A, 138B
- Heldrich Science Building: 106, 201
- Institute of Food Nutrition & Health: 101, 205
- Lucy Stone Hall: B112
- Pharmacy Hall: 111, 115
- Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering: 102, 105, 206, 208
- Ruth Adams Building: 110A, 204, 207, 208
- Thompson Hall: 101, 206
- Tillett Hall: 207, 209
- Voorhees Hall: 104